“Come after Me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

“From the very beginning of the Church there were men and women who set out to follow Christ with greater liberty, and to imitate Him closely by practicing the evangelical counsels.” (Perfectae Caritatis)

We, the Oblates of Notre Dame (OND) are a congregation of women religious missionaries founded in 1956 in Cotabato City, located in the heart of Mindanao, the southern part of the Philippines. We are a group of women living in religious community whose primary aim is constant communion with our Lord and service to our brothers and sisters: a life of contemplation and action.

The heart of the mission is the Reign of God- a partnership in God’s dream for the fullness of life. The Oblates of Notre Dame’s distinctive evangelical hallmark is that of being poor and seeking to evangelize the poor at all times. We are called to live our OND Spirituality which is to strive to please God always (Jn 8:29) expressed in a lifestyle consistent with the spirit of Jesus the poor and Mary as disciple.

The OND Sisters participate in the mission of God (Missio Dei) through Parish/Diocesan Ministries, Education Ministry, Formation and Retreat Ministries, Social Services through the OND HESED Foundation (Pastoral care for women, children, migrants, seafarers, Indigenous Peoples, Justice and Peace/Integrity of Creation, Culture of Peace, and Interreligious Dialogue), Resource Building Initiatives and Migrants.

Together we